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New & Now Series: HubSpot Updates Announced at INBOUND 2023

The newest features announced at HubSpot’s INBOUND 2023 Conference

Are you looking for an in-depth recap of HubSpot's product updates announced at INBOUND 2023? Not sure how to effectively put them to use for your team? We've got you covered!

Revisit this special edition webinar from the New & Now series where we explore the most exciting product updates HubSpot introduced at INBOUND 2023 and how you can start using them to get more value from your HubSpot portal.

Presented by Simple Strat Co-Founder, Tyler Samani-Sprunk

What We Covered:

  1. Discuss the latest changes HubSpot announced at INBOUND 2023, including leads in the prospecting workspace and A/B testing sequences, and how this impacts your team
  2. Explore ways to use the new features for more efficiency and better results
  3. Get answers to your questions about what's changed and what HubSpot's updates can do

Want to share this presentation with your team or take a closer look at everything we covered?