What's New in HubSpot? Updates Announced at INBOUND 2024
Recording Available
Discover the newest features announced at HubSpot’s INBOUND 2024 Conference
Curious about the new features HubSpot introduced at INBOUND 2024? Looking for common and creative ways to put them to use? Then join us for this special edition of our New & Now webinar series where we explore HubSpot’s hottest product updates announced at the conference and how you can start using them to get more value from your HubSpot portal today.
- Discuss the latest changes in HubSpot and how this impacts your team
- Explore ways to use the new features for more efficiency and better results
- Get answers to your questions about what's changed and what HubSpot's updates can do

Tyler Samani-Sprunk is a top requested HubSpot expert and the co-founder of Simple Strat, a Diamond HubSpot Solutions Partner, and the leader of the company's HubSpot Consulting team.
He’s also the co-host of HubSpot Hacks, the top unofficial YouTube Channel for HubSpot Tutorials, garnering more than 1M views and 17,000 subscribers and hundreds of top of funnel leads in the last 24 months.
Clients appreciate his process-driven style and his no-nonsense approach to marketing, always making sure to link it back to business initiatives and results. Tyler is also a member of the American Marketing Association, and a past president of the award-winning Lincoln chapter.
“One of the best Webinars I've watched. Short and to the point. Will be joining more. Thank you!”
Who is Simple Strat?
Simple Strat is a marketing and sales firm that helps you get more out of HubSpot. From CRM strategy and setup to marketing automation and content creation, our services are tailored to fuel customer acquisition and retention.
Simple Strat is a Diamond Solutions Partner and the hosts of HubSpot Hacks, the #1 unofficial YouTube channel for HubSpot Tutorials. We work with clients nationwide, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to startups and more.
Learn more at SimpleStrat.com
Additional Resources

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Selling services is tricky: clients have to invest in something they can't see or touch beforehand. You can't put your team’s expertise on a shelf for people to browse. Instead, it comes down more to reputation and references. Let’s cover how you can use HubSpot to drive leads & build trust.
Easily Capture Leads from Events and Conferences
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A Simple LinkedIn HubSpot Integration Process for SMBs
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