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Watch the Webinar On-Demand

Captivate & Convert: Lead-Driven Webinars with HubSpot and Zoom

Webinars are still one of the best sources of leads for B2B companies. But running an effective webinar campaign can be riddled with challenges, from topic selection to promotion to attendance.

In this session, we reviewed how to design and launch a webinar that appeals to your target customers, creates leads for your sales team, and makes follow-up easy by maximizing the integration of HubSpot + Zoom together.

Presented by Simple Strat Founder, Ali Schwanke


  1. Discover the simple framework process every effective webinar follows
  2. Learn how to sync HubSpot and Zoom
  3. Review simple tips to maximize registrations

>> Download the slides from the webinar here

>> Request the Free Webinar Checklist

Not sure what to do next, or don't have the bandwidth internally to run effective webinars consistently? Schedule a call and see how we can help!